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Week 4


  • Working on presentation for the project

Screenshots / Videos




  • Worked on setting up documentation for the redux store and prepared for the mid point presentation that was to be taken on 29th July 2022.
  • Proposed a layout for the presentation and worked on the content for the same.
  • Wrote a blog on the project and the concept of monorepo, which was published on Hashnode.


The overall feedback from the mentors was positive and they were happy with the progress made so far, and the direction in which the project was headed. There were few suggestions made by the mentors regarding testing of the application and working hand-in-hand with my co-mentee to bring out the best in the application, I will be working on all these in coming weeks. Moreover, I have been asked to go the extra mile and think out of the box to make the application more scalable and modular, which I'm quite excited about.